Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dear Wednesday

Dear Wednesday,

Today you have given me two things. 1.) A significantly wonderful day at Barnes and Noble working the cash register. 2.) But then you had to bring balance by throwing in a really sucky, extremely LOUD muffler on my car. 
Poor Henry (my car's name)! He goes through so much with me. 
Has anyone else had this problem? Show of hands please! You know, when your muffler suddenly makes the car SO loud that you can't think straight, but you also feel a bit embarrassed to be driving around that you want nothing more than to put a paper bag over your head so no one can see who you are. ( <----Insert fragmented sentence here) 

Sadly, I think this would just add more problems when driving around. And no, that's not me above. I got it off google. That's right. I googled. 

Anyway, so I'm sitting here at the tea shop and waiting for my friend to arrive. I think we're going to have lattes so I'm thinking .... *ponders* .... a RoboCup tealatte. This is a Rooibos or Red tea that is poured over steamed milk with hints of chocolate and caramel.
Here's my two cents on the Red teas. Rooibos tea comes from South Africa and kind of looks like a broom bristle and feels like a pine needle. They're a naturally sweet or even sometimes nutty tea that has many health benefits which includes promoting healthy kidneys. 
The Rooibos plant 

I don't profess to be a HUGE Red tea fan. My favorites tend to fall in the Black tea line. But here at ChocolaTea (link featured in previous post), they have a whole wall dedicated to the Rooibos teas in a variety flavors and I encourage everyone to go to a local tea shop and ask for a sample. They will without hesitation, I can assure you. 

Moving on ... 
Wednesday! It's wacky, it's classy ... it's educational? 

There are some things that I can't stress enough and it's a healthy book education as well as the teas. So here's also one of my major Book Recommendations of the week. 

Snapper by Brian Kimberling! 
Nathan Lochmueller studies birds, an ornithologist. He earns just enough money to get by. And he's in love with a woman with Lola and in a love/hate relationship with the state of Indiana ... that he lives in. With Snapper you get a book that revolves around a quirky little town with quirky characters, a lot of bird species, a snapping turtle with a taste for thumbs, and a love story that makes you yearn for Lola to open her eyes and see Nathan. I'm only on page 20. (See? Brutal honesty on my part. I'm recommending a book I haven't even finished) 

And it looks like my dear friend, Sarah has arrived? Wave hi to my blog readers, Sarah! 
She waved. Honest. 

Talk to you again soon,

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