Wednesday, October 9, 2013


October appears to be in full swing. 
Today, it's simply BEAUTIFUL! The sun is shining and there isn't a cloud in the sky. Also, the oranges and reds in the trees are simply GLOWING in the sunshine. The temperatures aren't that bad either. It gets pretty chilly in the mornings, though. You can start seeing your breath in the mornings. I think that means I have to finally take the plunge and start wearing a small jacket. 
Summer is over. 

I have to admit it. 

To get started, can someone buy me this jacket? It's STINKIN' CUTE!!!!! 
And I think I'd look cuter in it than the model chosen for it. I'm just saying. *laughs* 

So what have you been doing lately? 
I've been working for the past 8 days straight. And it's been awesome. But sometimes ... I really, REALLY need to unwind, hence my three times a week (sometimes) visits to Chocola-Tea. YAY. 
Guess what? They got new cases. So the lighted up chocolates immediately catch your eye when you walk in. It's almost not fair how good it all looks. But I've been doing so well on Weight Watchers that that's my motivation for staying far away from it. 
Still ... there's nothing wrong with LOOKING, right? 

My favorite chocolates are in the bottom picture on the very bottom left. Chocolate Mint Smoothies. 
I just have to keep reminding myself 'You're on Weight Watchers. You're doing so well." 

That actually brings me into .... the Wednesday Writers Workshop! 

Last week's Topic: Settings.
This week's Topic: Mantras and Encouragement. 

I know, it's a bit of a stretch from the last topic, but I was thinking about this today and about how I NEVER would have kept writing if it wasn't for the people in my corner cheering for me. 
It's good to have a cheering section! The best writers say that the one thing you can have is your own writing group. Writers supporting one another, providing critiques, encouragement, and commiserating together. When a writer is by herself .. it's not awful ... I'm NOT saying that they're going to fail or they're never going to accomplish anything ... because that's not true. What I'm saying is that .. it seems a bit easier if you know you're not alone. 
I was six years old when I first started writing 'books'. They were really a piece of lined notebook paper and I wrote on the front and back of this piece of paper and THAT was my book. 
When I was 16 years old, I really buckled down and became serious about writing. 
When I was 17 or 18, I completed my first novel with the help of National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. I sincerely believe that the reason I actually FINISHED the novel was because of the support groups on the NaNoWriMo website. It's amazing what a good support group can do for a writer. 
I made friends in the forums and we spitballed ideas back and forth, creating more characters, plotlines, and stories than I think I ever could have done by myself. 

I do highly encourage any writer to get involved with a group of fellow writers. It doesn't take long to find one in your area. Seriously. Google can be your best friend when it comes to this. OR, you can go to and go to the forums. You can find writers groups IN YOUR CITY to meet with. 
It's scary. 
Believe me, it's scary to go for the first time.
The first time I went to one, I was shaking so bad that I thought my teeth were going to chatter right out of my mouth, but then we all started talking and laughing and drinking more coffee than the average human should consume and it was a lot of fun. 
The second time I got involved was English Society at Cornerstone University. I got so involved with that that I became PRESIDENT of the club by my senior year. Since I found writers groups, I have written 7 complete novels. 
Meeting with like-minded writers can change your whole world.

After all, not everyone can be a virtual recluse like Emily Dickinson or J.D. Salinger and churn out masterpieces. 

It happens. 

But it's rare. And I don't recommend it. 

For anyone interested in meeting other writers, I do also suggest a Writers Conference or two throughout the year. 
And yes, you DO know you're a writer when you're starstruck by meeting an author like Anne Rice, J.K. Rowling, or Ted Dekker. I seriously GEEKED out when I met Jennifer Armintrout for the first time. I kinda had a freak out moment when I meet Tracy Groot too. 
Writers Conferences get you a chance to meet firsthand with authors and even publishers who can give you advice on your novel and how to get started on it. 

Breathe Writers Conference

This was the first one I ever went to! It's where I met Tracy Groot and ... she's kinda awesome. Just saying. *giggles excitedly* 
I'm still saving up to go this year on October 18th. The location is right on their website. 

The Breathe Conference got me started and helped me release my ideas. Meeting with other writers and showing your work really wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. 

I hope that that was helpful advice for the Wednesday Writers Workshop!
It was just an idea for a topic that stuck with me today and I wanted to get it all out. I hope I did it in a clear and understandable way. 

Wishing you the best on this October evening.

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