I got stuck in my own driveway this morning trying to leave for work.
No big deal. I just kept going back and forth until I'd made enough of a track to get me out into the street.
Still, if we get any MORE snow, I have a feeling I'll have to use a shovel at the end of the driveway finally. I was putting that off as long as possible. It's finally arrived. The winter, I mean.
I know that that girl is not me ... but that is indeed a lot of snow ... not as much as we've had in the past here in Michigan, but it seemed a good representation of what we got recently. That and I liked her hat.
But hey, since you don't know...
My sister Tatum has her own blog on here. It tells the stories of ALL her dogs, her whippets Zero, Khayman, and Squint.
On Monday after I finished writing my blog post, I went to the mall with her to have the dogs picture taken with Santa Claus. It was kind of a riot because when it was their turn, 'Santa' was having fun holding onto their leashes and talking to them all.
So ... ready to see the photo, everyone? Here it is!!!
Squint (far left), Zero (middle), Khayman (far right) |
As soon as I get the web address for her blog too, I'll post it here. Because the stories about her dogs ... hilarious.
So that was what I did on Monday evening.
Wanna know what I did on Tuesday? Closed up and got out SUPER early considering that we're now in the holiday rush time. 10:30pm. That's a record. AND I got 32 books donated to Family and Child Services which makes me extremely happy. That's 32 more books for 32 more children who typically don't get a gift at Christmas.
SPEAKING of the donations in our Book Drive ... I managed to complete my goal this morning. Since this started, I have strived to get one of each Harry Potter book in the series donated.
The Seventh and Final Harry Potter book was donated as of 10:00am. WIN!
Has anyone here been waiting for Christmas as anxiously as I have? I think I've finally finished all my Christmas shopping?
Even for my Secret Santa at work.
Most of the presents are already wrapped and under my little tree that I have set up in my bedroom right now.
I'm just so excited. I can't believe that Christmas is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER.
I'm just very excited about it.
But that's just me.
I've been working extremely hard to make that extra money for any additional presents I need to give to people for the holiday season.
So I have been sitting here at the ChocolaTea with a little demitasse of sipping chocolate. Essentially, that's just really rich hot chocolate. I have been nursing it for QUITE some time, but here is the picture I took of it when I first got it. It looked SO delectable that I almost didn't want to take that first taste.
I was looking at it and I immediately thought of my dear friend, Jeanne who I miss very much. The first time we had this was when we were playing the game "Chocolate-opoly" and Polly gave us each one to keep the cravings away. *laughs* And tonight, I was feeling a bit nostalgic. So one for me!
Since the holidays started, I know I slacked in the blogging department. I hope that this week's posts have assured you that I AM in this for the long haul and I am wishing each and every one of you the very best.
Now, I think I'm going to wrap this up but I hope that everyone enjoys the weekend and if you're here in Michigan, be careful ... that snow is still coming.
Be Open, Be Loving, Be Yourself